Failed surgical abortion mumsnet. It could also be residual hormones or retained tissue.

Failed surgical abortion mumsnet I am sad. May 4, 2019 路 It may not be GA. Without going into masses of detail I have health complications and another pregnancy wasn't advisable right now. I honestly don’t know what to do. I just don’t know what to think…. I underwent a surgical termination by local anaesthetic on 16 Feb. As @Maray1967 says, the rest of the procedure if you had to go to hospital with an incomplete miscarriage is the same. Sep 8, 2023 路 Today I had a surgical abortion with only local anaesthetic only at 6+4. Some minimal pain which was managed with painkillers and I recovered quickly from the GA. There were about 5-6 other girls there at this point. 馃様 I haven't had any pain not since the actual abortion took place. At that point I’d have been 5 & 1/2 to 6 weeks. Nov 1, 2017 路 Had a scan today and it shows the abortion failed, the baby is still alive! And I'm 13 weeks. . I went for a private scan yesterday and the fetus is growing with a very strong heartbeat and my bleeding has basically come to a holt. Sep 11, 2021 路 That is still 2 weeks away. The fact you're getting a scan is great. May 25, 2019 路 After a surgical abortion the bleeding should only last 1-2 weeks or so. In-clinic abortions work more than 99 out of 100 times. Jan 15, 2021 路 I had a surgical abortion when I was 17. I'm also struggling to go to the toilet but can pass urine fine. We wanted the baby but was just really bad timing. Jun 20, 2023 路 msi surgical abortion 11 replies rosekate203 Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, Apr 13, 2015 路 I had opted for a surgical abortion under general anaesthetic . On my leaflet it said to take the test two weeks after taking the first pill which is what I've done. I was absolutely terrified beforehand but it was fine. One line is really strong and there is another faint line and now I'm worried it hasn't worked! Feb 14, 2022 路 I had an abortion 5th jan 2022 surgical, an now the grieve is getting worse the baby would have being due in 3weeks and I can’t help but feel sick to think of what I done I’m devastated, I’m in a loving relationship with 2 kids an at the time I was panicking because my last child was only 14months when had abortion an we as a couple just Jan 9, 2024 路 I haven't got long to make my decision as the cut off for abortion is 23 weeks and 6 days (I will be 23 weeks 4 days when I have my appointment) so time is of the essence. Now I think it hasn’t worked as the pregnancy test given with the treatment has showed positive. Mar 1, 2021 路 There was a thread on here not long ago and her termination failed meaning she had to repeat it - but surgical as she was further along. The next two days I had very light spotting then the bleeding stopped. May 10, 2015 路 I had a surgical abortion yesterday at 8+2. Apr 29, 2022 路 I agree. Jul 22, 2017 路 After finding out I was pregnant after a failed morning after pill myself and my partner both agreed due to our personal circumstances now was not the right time to have a child, so we decided on a termination. So I went to my medical abortion appointment on the 5th July. I’m not sure if they’d even let you do the pills one at this stage. Mar 31, 2022 路 Took tablets 2 weeks ago for a medical abortion and long story short they didn’t work. Feb 20, 2018 路 The idea of opting for this sort of abortion rather than medical abortion is that with medical abortion it can lead to heavy. Jan 6, 2020 路 I hope you're good today. What is a surgical abortion? A surgical abortion uses suction to remove the pregnancy tissue. They're really painful and different to cramps. Mar 18, 2018 路 I had a surgical termination just over 4 weeks ago. All went ok and didn’t have much bleeding immediately after the procedure , however had a lighter than my usual fresh bleed around 8 days later that tapered off and turned to brown spotting. Has anyone had any experiences of getting pregnant so soon after a abortion or is it most likley i will get my period first. With all these, I was thinking the abortion was successful. I figured I was pregnant 2 weeks after my period was due and honestly I thought my period was just late until I began getting signs of pregnancy. There have sadly been many people who have become very unwell, and even a case of a woman who sadly died, due to taking the pills when being further along in pregnancy than they thought they were. Dec 16, 2019 路 Those and every other scenario played in my head for the next week. My surgical abortion was scheduled one week later, now at nearly 11 weeks. Bled very heavily 4 weeks after and had positive pregnancy test. I brought her home by train. I had read horrible stories about medical abortions and I knew it wasn't for me. Just what I want to hear. But I really regretted it and I feel I can’t make my mind up to continue or not for reasons due to abnormalities. However it has failed. Get well soon Jan 23, 2023 路 @Heathernoll I finally got in touch with my GP who put a referral in for me to be considered for a surgical but unfortunately by the time this was all done I was 12 weeks gone so it was no longer an option as apparently that’s the cut off for surgical. I also happened to have had both surgical as well as medical abortion. Mar 7, 2024 路 Hi I don't think I've ever added a thread, but I did search the archives when I was making my decision, so thought I'd add my experience to help anyon Apr 15, 2015 路 I had a surgical abortion on Friday and had a regular period type bleed. Places wait weeks to get back to you just to say they don't receive funding for surgical abortion (which is required after 10 weeks) or their nearest clinic is in Bolton I'm from London. Just be prepared for any outcome. I went for a medical abortion and took the tablets at just over 8 weeks. Apr 23, 2024 路 Is there a way to know if your abortion worked or not? Abortion is extremely effective. I filled in a form about my medical history then waited to be called. Mar 6, 2023 路 Hi there. It is very effective — only about 1 in 1000 surgical abortions don't work and may need an additional procedure. They work 87-99 out of 100 times Aug 11, 2017 路 To cut a long story short I agreed I would have an abortion as I know how hard it can be as a single parent. Do not accept the pills by post system without a scan first. Sending you so much love, we can do this x PIP: A study of 65,045 abortions performed in 5 freestanding surgical units over 100 months time found 46 cases of incomplete abortion. Get support and advice from a caring community. Jul 9, 2023 路 My pill abortion failed and see this post . Nov 21, 2023 路 Well, it is a miscarriage. I bled heavily for 4 days and spotings went for 10 days too. I went ahead with a surgical procedure at the beginning of October, I was 11 weeks pregnant. Nearly 3/4 were 8 week or less pregnancies (dating from last monthly period), 20% were 6 weeks or less. I still haven't had my period and me and my partner are trying to get pregnant again, we had been trying 2 days after the abortion. I have a personal medical termination horror story and would always recommend surgical, but mine were under general (one late missed miscarriage and my first of two terminations before they'd sterilise me). Oct 30, 2019 路 I'm 23 and my contraception failed me, so did the morning after pill. Aug 1, 2020 路 If you have no idea how far along you are the first step is getting a scan ASAP. After much debate, we decided a surgical abortion was the best thing to do for our situation. I started bleeding about 3 hours after quite heavily for a few hours but by early afternoon and all of today I’ve barely had to change a pad. Abortion pills are also very effective at ending early pregnancies — you can use abortion pills for up to 77 days (11 weeks) after the first day of your last period. I am financially strapped. Not regretful or guilty as such, just a deep sadness that it wasn't to be. I had gone off with a man more than twice my age. It hurts to stand or sit in certain ways and I get an extreme spasm in the area at points. Our contraception unfortunately failed. Join pregnancy choices and discuss everything related to terminations and surgical & medical abortions. The decision to have it was fairly straight-forward. Jan 13, 2023 路 Thank you so so much for sharing this, I also suffer from terrible anxiety and following a very traumatic miscarriage last year, I knew I wanted to take the surgical route to make the experiences different and I hope being in a controlled environment would help ease my anxiety. Oct 9, 2023 路 I had a medical abortion early this year using misoprostol 2 doses orally and 1 dose vaginally accompanied with oxytocin injection 馃拤, on 4 weeks old fetus. Jul 10, 2022 路 Hi, so I thought I would post on here to get some advice. Dec 7, 2023 路 It doesn't help that the doctors are strongly recommending the surgical route, but also warning me that the more surgeries I have, the greater the risk of uterine adhesions, which "may prevent future pregnancies". I was in the actual room for only about 5-10 mins. I have since experienced awful trapped wind pain in my abdomen and -tmi- rectal area. On the first day, I passed out tissue, like heavy tissues, i mean. Feb 5, 2020 路 Hi, Just wondering how you are doing with your pregnancy? I am in the same situation right now. Jun 9, 2015 路 I had a medical abortion 4 weeks ago which I found out today has failed. I'm about 4ish weeks pregnant and have to have a surgical abortion because of some minor health issues, they won't take any risks. After the procedure I was fine. I'm booked in for a surgical abortion under GA to Jan 10, 2019 路 Thank you, I just feel like they’re trying to make me get a surgical abortion as the pills failed but from my point of view they’ve failed for a reason. May 8, 2018 路 You might have seen some of my previous posts I have had a failed surgical abortion. And originally baby's father was going to help out, he has now made it clear he won't. Jun 27, 2022 路 I had an early surgical abortion on Saturday with LA and it went well. I also for record took a digital which is reading 3+ two weeks ago. To preface this, I was booked for the procedure with sedation, but unfortunately when in clinic I could only have the local. May 18, 2018 路 I had an abortion at 7/8 weeks I didn't have any cramps at all and only light bleeding nothing compared to the stories I've read about it so after waiting the 2 weeks i took the pregnancy test given from the hospital it came back positive they got me up for an appointment the same day and done a scan which showed the baby was still there and Jan 1, 2019 路 Just wanted to post and say I feel your frustration. Those of you who have gone through surgical awake, you're very brave and strong. PP covered the cost of my surgical procedure because of my first, failed abortion. Aug 15, 2019 路 Failed abortions can be hard to process psychologically. It is performed by a trained doctor. Nov 20, 2013 路 I opted for a termination with my 4th child as myself and my partner decided it was the best thing to do for our family. Clinic said that if GA she'd have had to stay in London overnight. Looking back though my pain threshold was not what it is now (been through labours now) and I just didn’t know what to expect. I had an surgical abortion 6weeks+3days ago for personal reasons. I didn't have any sedation, and only had local anaesthetic as an injection into my cervix. Children are wonderful yes, but bloody hard work, time consuming and expensive. It's felt like forever and really difficult mentally and physically Nov 25, 2024 路 Abortion is such a traumatic and emotional experience but please try and remember you were ok before this and you can be ok after this. I already have other health problems including interstitial cystitis and inflammation of the bowel, amongst other things. Had to walk across a bit of London to get to station, and she was a bit out of it and I felt like a body guard ensuring she didn't get bumped into. Aug 20, 2022 路 Hi, going threw the same myself I had a medical abortion at 8 weeks 2 days but only took 4 of the 2nd tablets. In some cases, bleeding commences after taking the medication, but the pregnancy itself continues. 2 weeks and had abortion 3. Jul 14, 2011 路 I had the surgical option nearly 18 years ago at the age of 24 after the pill failed and I was in and out the same day. I was dated at 5 and 1/2 weeks on 16/03. A friend had surgical abortion and was only sedated. Jul 2, 2023 路 Hi Gina, I’m in a similar position. No tampons/moon cup or similar until her next period I’m afraid, as PP have said while the cervix is still a bit open after the procedure there’s an infection risk, and you can only be sure it’s closed once the bleeding has stopped. For the surgical, I was only given laughing gas and I most definitely did feel pain, nothing close to delivering a baby, but still pain. Mar 5, 2020 路 Finally how long have others had to wait between a consultation and a surgical abortion? This pregnancy wasn’t planned and I’m devastated I’m in this position but don’t feel that continuing the pregnancy out of guilt is a good enough reason so I’m wanting to terminate it as soon as I can before I become more emotionally invested and Jul 20, 2020 路 So it's two weeks since I took my medical abortion pills. You have so much more to see and do and experience in life and you have people in your life who love and value you. Feb 4, 2022 路 Sorry to hear that you've been suffering with pain. Jul 3, 2024 路 Places readily offer the pills 10 weeks and under but after that date is has been so HARD to get help with a surgical abortion. How many weeks past abortion were you when had to take more tablets? Did you have a scan. Took first pill 18/03 and then two lots on 19/03. And I’ve taken another digital today and it’s still 3+ I’m 4 weeks post abortion this Jun 4, 2024 路 I had given birth, natural birth, to three kids and nothing compares to that pain, nothing at all. How normal is this? Nov 3, 2022 路 I thought I’d post in here after reading other people’s experiences with surgical abortions as they helped me loads with anxiety and information around surgical abortions. But on Monday night I started getting sharp abdomen pains and have had them on and off since. I am still pregnant and booked in for a surgical procedure next week. Took the first tablet Friday and the 4 yesterday. How are you now since having to have more tablets really feeling for you having to of had gone through that again. Nov 15, 2024 路 OP, can you make sure you get a surgical one? That’s what I had at around 10 weeks, I believe the one where you take the pills is more painful and traumatic. Is there a chance it’s failed? Please be kind I’ve not stopped crying for weeks. Nov 14, 2024 路 Thank you. Jan 27, 2021 路 I read for weeks about abortions etc and expected so much more bleeding and clots! I’m so worried about finding out I’m pregnant still in 3 weeks time! Does anybody have any advice? I know I need to wait another 2 weeks before I can test but I don’t want to get an infection or end up having to have a surgical abortion! Apr 21, 2022 路 Hey guys. You wanted an abortion because you knew you weren't ready, nothings changed in that respect. May 3, 2024 路 I have an appointment booked with the hospital next week for the pre-assessment and the 1st appointment to prepare for the surgical abortion. I had a failed medical abortion at about 6 weeks, I thought it had worked my symptoms had gone ect, I took the HCG test two weeks later and positive so called the clinic and went back two weeks later for a scan and confirmed I was still pregnant and was measuring at 11 weeks. Everyone has their opinions about abortion and right now I don't think I can take much more guilt. Then last night I woke up and I was bleeding heavily. Ramping and bleeding for up to 3 days afterwards. The clinic I went to have advised me not to keep the baby but I can't help feeling that it's fate. Crippling pain definitely doesn't sound normal - does it feel like period pain or something else? Bleeding wise I bled a very small amount initially then it increased after a day or 2. The health advisor was lovely Oct 6, 2024 路 Took the sensitive pregnancy test they provide 3 weeks post medical abortion it came up faint positive ; These are Amazon bought pregnancy tests I’ve taken today which are very strong. All that is showing is a yolk sack no heart beat . So if anyone has had a failed op, followed by a successful one, I'd love to hear about it. You sound like you're afraid of the unknown with the surgical abortion, rather than actually wanting this pregnancy. I am now 13 weeks pregnant. I wasn’t given any pills before my surgical ablation and it was done very quickly. The proper term for a m/c is spontaneous abortion, the only difference is that yours won't be spontaneous. Jan 15, 2018 路 I had a surgical abortion 8 years ago. Has anyone been in a similar situation please? Please help. Among the successfully completed abortions 44% were 8 weeks or less and 6% were less than 6 weeks. Nov 29, 2023 路 For my medical abortion (age 19) I was in extreme pain with very heavy bleeding, eventually admitted to a&e and then passed everything the next night whilst on a ward. I didn't have any pain during the abortion but did heavy bleed for a few days then light peroid type bleeding for a few weeks. Aug 20, 2022 路 I had a surgical abortion at about 6 weeks - it was about as early as they were willing to do a surgical one. I was wondering if anyone else has had a failed abortion and gone on to have the baby? Mar 14, 2017 路 Private messages My feed My Lists Mar 3, 2024 路 So I’ve recently had a surgical abortion I was 12 weeks and 3 days I’ve been bleeding for a week and 2 days I very much regret my choice and decision, and for the people who have had surgical abortion and tried to get pregnant straight after I was wondering how long it had taken to conceive again? Oct 6, 2024 路 I had a medical abortion due to health issues. One line means termination successful two lines mean it's failed. Hope it goes well OP whatever happens. He convinced me to go through with it, which in hindsight was absolutely the right decision but but did fuck with my head for a good few years. By the time I have that I will be 9 weeks and been waiting 5 weeks. I was 7 weeks. I am writing this post to help anyone searching for honest experiences. Apr 7, 2024 路 Hi, so I had a medical abortion 5 weeks ago now, all my tests had been very strong postive since even the test from the clinic. Am now almost 12 weeks pregnant with twins and booked in for a surgical abortion on Monday. Was a long time ago but recall vaguely that pain afterwards was like bad period pain. I’m really struggling I must of only been a week and a half pregnant as I’m now 5. The D&C also meant that everything was removed. I don’t really know what my question is, I’m just a bit scared and I have read the other threAds here about failed medical abortions so I know there are quite a few ladies who experienced it. Jul 22, 2018 路 Hi all so I came to decision to have an abortion it was difficult but I have 4 beautiful kids already and I am in too much pain to care for another one. It could also be residual hormones or retained tissue. I really can't abort a 13 week old fetus, it's just too far along now. 5 weeks ago . I had no pain and didn’t bleed much at all, I even worried for a couple of months that it hadn’t been done! I didn’t see the scan, they turned the screen away. It was really traumatic for her. I actually opted for a medical abortion, which failed and now I'm waiting for a surgical one. Just looking for any advice, experience if I may. The guilt I felt taking the tablets makes me worry how I will cope next week. There are 2 types of surgical abortion: Suction abortion: This is the most common method of abortion. I was seen at BPAS who were all fantastic and cannot fault them. My DS is 8 so there would be little common ground between him and the baby. On the morning of my procedure, I arrived at the clinic at 9am. Feb 7, 2023 路 Hi, I had a surgical abortion & barely had any pain at all aside from a couple of hours after it was done. Whereas with a surgical abortion once it's done it's all done. hbbictdl khfz kmvxik sceq mhmbfs nbmexdei wfipdj pjgh jgjdv ywfgiih